He is the king of disasters, after all.Gaming 

Roland Emmerich Developing Shared Universe of TV, Gaming and Web3 Content

Renowned filmmaker Roland Emmerich has revealed his latest project, Space Nation Online, an exciting multiplayer online game (MMO) that incorporates the popular and controversial NFTs. Emmerich, known for directing blockbuster films like Independence Day and Stargate, aims to create a vast shared universe that includes animated shorts, a live-action TV series, and various elements of Web3 technology.

For that, there’s a bile-inducing page detailing the tokenomics surrounding “Web3 Space Opera MMO” if you want to throw away your money on a procedurally generated image of a starship or whatever. According to the developers, the NFT-based framework is “designed to solve a number of problems and increase the potential of Web3 games through observation, research, and exploration.” Okay.

Now for the good news. Despite the heavy emphasis on irreplaceable tokens, there is some decent talent behind the scenes beyond Emmerich. Jerome Wu, who worked on World of Warcraft, is on board, as is Tony Tang from Warframe. The shared universe title has received more than $50 million in funding, with more funding rounds to come, as reported by Deadline. There’s even a first look video if you want to see how the development is progressing.

Space Nation Online, which takes players on an “epic journey to unravel the mysteries of the Telikos cluster,” will exit alpha later this summer, with a full release slated for 2024. Assuming some success, animated shorts, TV shows, and spinoff games will follow. after.

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